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Stage & internship

The stage, or internship, represents a period of alternation between university training and the world of work, useful for applying but also enhancing the skills and professionalism acquired in one's course of study.

The internship is carried out at accredited companies or institutions (after signing an agreement between the university).

The internship must be consistent with the educational objectives of the degree program. Before starting the internship activities, a specific document reporting objectives, activities, duration, times and schedule of the internships, as well as the name of a company and a universtiy tutor, has to be prepared and signed.

Within DSTS Master Program, we offer two types of stage and internships:

  • regular internship: 3 (or max 6) credits
  • extended internship: 9-12 credits

1 credit equals 25 working hours. More details below.

For more information about administrative issues, please refer to Dr.ssa Serena Bianchi (email: tirocini(AT)
The internship tutor is Prof. Daria Sarti (email: daria.sarti(AT) You can contact here in case of problems encountered during the internship procedure.



The student can independently identify the company/organization where to carry out the internship, by carrying out a search in the Unifi database (using ID number and password): In that system, the student will be able to insert a short profile of him/herself and will be able to apply for offers from companies.

The student who has an existing contact with a potential host company/organization, must check whether this subject has an agreement with the University of Florence and with the DSTS master course.

a) If the host has an agreement with the University and DSTS master program, the student can have a direct contact to arrange the internship and proceed with the subsequent steps to active the internship.

b) If the host has an agreement with the University but not with the DSTS master program, it is necessary to request the extension of the agreement, then proceed with the next steps.

c) If the host organization does not have an agreement with the University, it is necessary to follow the appropriate agreement procedure on the University web page St@ge on line For more information about the procedure, please check here: (in Italian).

The delegate person for DSTS Master program is prof. Daria Sarti, who is available in case of problem in the procedure (email: daria.sarti(AT)

Click here for the list of companies having an agreement with DSTS (updated February 2023)

More info on the internships page of the School of Economics and Management (ita; eng)



Starting from the Academic Year 2022-23 within the Master Program in Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems we propose the possibility to do extended internships, that is long and qualified internship in companies operating in the tourism sector.

For this internship, we will publish periodically on our website selected offers for internships of 3-6 months (full-time or similar) for which we will be able to recognize 9-12 credits. The activity to be carried out during this internship will be approved in advance between a DSTS committee and the host organization, in order to guarantee a high qualification and professionalism.

Students can express their interest, and the host company will select the candidate(s).

In any case, also extended internships will follow UniFI rules and regulations.


Recognition of Work Activity as a Substitute for Internship

In exceptional cases and for justified reasons, previous work activity undertaken by the student, not framed as part of the internship and traineeship agreements with UniFI, can be recognized as a substitute for the internship. The interested student must submit an application using the form provided by the School, attaching all relevant documentation (specified in the same form to be completed), including a certification from the company (on official letterhead and signed by a responsible official) detailing the position, number of hours worked, and the type of activities performed.

This duly completed documentation must be sent to the Master Program Secretary Office.

The documentation will be evaluated by the Internship Committee and/or the Teaching Committee on a case-by-case basis, taking into account its relevance and coherence—in terms of activities, skills, and professionalism—with the educational objectives of the Degree Program. Therefore, recognition is not automatic or guaranteed.


Useful links:

General information on internships - UniFI (In Italian)

How to start an internship: information and procedures - School of Economics and Management (in Italian ; in English)

Stage on line service (In Italian)




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