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Internships on food & wine tourism

We announce the opening of the call for the Food & Wine Tourism internships.

Within the Food and Wine Tourism thematic track (, this year we propose highly qualified internships at:

- Cantina Antinori
- Castello di Vicchiomaggio.

We are also evaluating other possibilities, we’ll let you know as soon as possible.


Remember that these are “extended internships” (, entail a period of 3-6 months full-time or similar (in the period April-September), and allow to recognize 9-12 credits.
Students can express their interest, but the host company will select the candidate(s) (after a first selection made by the DSTS committee, which will consider your study plan and the exams you have already done).


We also remember you that these companies are located in the Chianti area, and since the student presence is required, you should also consider your ability to reach the workplace location. It will be a challenging experience, but we think that this could be an important experience for your career and your future job.


In the next week, we will diffuse more details about the characteristics of the proposed internships and the selection process (please check the new section of the website). We will also organize a meeting to better explain this initiative.

If you are interested, please fill the form you can find here:
Deadline for filling the form: Sunday, February 11th.


Before asking for participation, please carefully read the features of the thematic track “Food & Wine Tourism” and of the “extended internships” (check the links above).

Selection will be approximately at the beginning of March.


23 January 2024 (Archiviata)


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