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Junior for Training

by Federcongressi&eventi Lombardia

Junior for Training is a training program promoted by the Lombardy Delegation of Federcongressi&eventi addressed to people under 30s with a maximum of 3 years of experience in the meeting industry sector.

The 2022-2023 edition will have a hybrid format, thus allowing learners from all over Italy to also participate in streaming! Face-to-face meetings will take place in Milan with a maximum of 24 participants to facilitate direct interaction with teachers. Furthermore, those who manage to participate in the meetings in person will have the opportunity to obtain additional information materials and participate in the technical practical section of each meeting.

The form to register for the first module is already available! The first meeting entitled "Congresses and registrations" will take place on November 22nd from 4.00 pm at the MZ Events headquarters.

For more info and the link to register, please click here.

16 November 2022 (Archiviata)


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