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Info to access Moodle platform

For students who are not regularly enrolled yet: info to access Moodle platform and study material

If you are not regularly enrolled yet (for example you have sent the admission request and you are waiting for the acceptance, you are about to graduate, or you have already received the nulla osta but you have not finished the enrollment procedure yet) you can register as "Uditore alle lezioni" (Auditor to classes).

Please note that the procedure to access the Moodle platform as “guest” remains valid, so if you correctly access Moodle in that way, you do not need this additional procedure.

The registration can be made through the servizi online (online services) of the University: you have to make the preliminary registration, then in the reserved area that will be created you can access the menu "immatricolazione" (registration) and then choose "immatricolazione standard" (standard registration). Such a registration will allow you to obtain a temporary ID number and a password to access study material on the Moodle platform.

Please remember that this temporary registration only allows you to regularly connect to the Moodle platform, but in that way you will not be enrolled in the DSTS master program. When you will be able to enroll (e.g., you receive the nulla osta), you will need to regularly enroll.
In addition, Auditor students cannot take exams.

Please remember that as soon as you will be able to enroll in DSTS master program, you have to unsubscribe from the role of Auditor (by contacting the contact-center 055 2757650 from the telephone number declared to Unifi and indicated in the online system).

03 October 2022 (Archiviata)


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