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“Parola ai Giovani” project

promoted by the songwriter Giovanni Caccamo

The University joined the “Parola ai Giovani” project launched and promoted by the young songwriter Giovanni Caccamo. The project, which involves the involvement of several Italian universities, aims to concretely give word and trust to the new generations, asking them for a vision of the world in which they live and some concrete and simple proposals in response to the complex problems of our society, through the question: "What would you change about the world you live in and how?"

On 17 May at 2.00 pm in D6 0.18, Caccamo will meet the students who have joined the project and on that occasion the best answers will be announced. The event will be in Italian.

For any further information, please visit the UniFI web page dedicated to the initiative (in Italian).

05 May 2022 (Archiviata)


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