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Registration to courses on Moodle

Important info for all students

Dear students,

as you probably know, some of the courses of the first semester will be held in presence, other courses will be held online, through the Moodle platform (and using the Webex system).


In any case, for the first two weeks of the semester, from September 14 to September 25, ALL COURSES WILL BE ONLINE.

So, we urge you to register to the Moodle page of the courses you intend to follow. Only registering on Moodle you will have access to the lessons in streaming (and also to their registration).


Please register on the different courses on Moodle as soon as possible. We asked to the Professors not to lock the access using a password (in case of a password, please contact the professor).

Thank you for your collaboration.

04 September 2020 (Archiviata)


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