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Study plan submission - info & help

As you already know, the online procedure to submit the study plan is working now.

Students are kindly asked to fill their study plan as soon as possible, and in any case before the deadlines (May 5, 2019).

Please read the instruction about the procedure (in Italian on the website of the School of Economics and Management, or in English on the DSTS website). Also consult the DSTS webpage about study plans for the list of admissible exams for your cohort, the exams rules and the FAQ.

In case of problems, please write an e-mail indicating your ID number (the "matricola") and your enrolment cohort, and explaining in a detailed and clear way the nature of the problem to the study plan tutors or to We are collecting the technical problems emerged with this new online system and we are trying to solve them.

The study plan tutors, prof. Marescotti and prof. Pirani, together with the President of the Master Course, prof. Vignoli, will meet the students in order to face questions/problems about the study plan submission on Tuesday, April 16 2019 in Aula Melis (D6 first floor) from 9.00 to 12.00.

Please note that some technical problems could need time and preparatory work to be solved, so you are strongly encouraged to report us in advance the type of problem (by email).




03 April 2019 (Archiviata)


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